Monday, July 7, 2008

Non Smoking Continues

So the half year point has come and past and I am damn proud of myself, but I cannot believe how the urge for a smoke still comes on from time to time. Interestingly, it is not always when I have a drink in my hand (so that is a good thing!) Lately it comes in middle of day, or after lunch but so far so good. It really is not that bad, and while I have added a few pounds, I can honestly say I am feeling great and enjoying my non smoking status.

Last night I was at dinner and sat beside a heavy smoking female friend I had not seen in a while - she went outside during dinner a few times and every time she came back I was aghast at her breathe, and it was all over her clothes. Not to judge, because at least twice yesterday or over the weekend I thought about it.

I keep thinking about getting a full year under my belt and that is my goal. I honestly wish I had never smoked in the first place....

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